Fortine has announced the latest semiannual Global Threat Landscape Report from FortiGuard Labs. The threat landscape and organizations’ attack surface are constantly transforming, and cybercriminals’ ability to design and adapt their techniques to suit this evolving environment continues to pose significant risk to businesses of all sizes, regardless of industryRead More…

Recently, FortiGuard Labs provided evidentiary support to INTERPOL and African Member countries as part of the Africa Cyber Surge Operation (ASCO) to help detect, investigate, and disrupt cybercrime through coordinated law enforcement activities, utilizing INTERPOL platforms, tools, and channels in close cooperation with AFRIPOL. The ACSO is a multinational cybercrimeRead More…

Fortinet has unveiled predictions from the FortiGuard Labs global threat intelligence and research team about the cyberthreat landscape for the next 12 months and beyond. From quickly evolving Cybercrime-as-a-Service (CaaS)-fueled attacks to new exploits on nontraditional targets like edge devices or online worlds, the volume, variety, and scale of cyberthreatsRead More…

Fortinet, a provider in broad, integrated, and automated cybersecurity solutions, has announced the latest semiannual FortiGuard Labs Global Threat Landscape Report. “Cyber adversaries are advancing their playbooks to thwart defense and scale their criminal affiliate networks,” says Derek Manky, Chief Security Strategist & VP Global Threat Intelligence, FortiGuard Labs. “TheyRead More…

Fortinet today announced the latest semiannual FortiGuard Labs Global Threat Landscape Report. Threat intelligence from the second half of 2021 reveals an increase in the automation and speed of attacks demonstrating more advanced persistent cybercrime strategies that are more destructive and unpredictable. In addition, the expanding attack surface of hybridRead More…